Re: [RC4] active-selector-002

On 12/12/2010 08:41 PM, "Gérard Talbot" wrote:
> Hello,
> 1-
> "(...) or activating them with the keyboard"
> I tried with 4 browsers to activate the links with the keyboard and
> could not. I tried tab (to navigate and focus one) and then the Enter
> key; I tried tab (to navigate and focus one) and then Space bar.

I updated the test with some informative CSS that says which link
was activated. Keyboard navigation works: it just doesn't seem to
trigger any styling.

> "1. Link A" is not even reachable with tab key.

This would be a browser navigation bug. Not a CSS bug, although
it does prevent full testing of :active. (Link A is a styled <link>

> 2-
> p:active, span:active { color: yellow; border: red solid thick;
> background: red; }
> It seems that the testcase presumes that span elements can not be in an
> :active state while the spec says
> "
> CSS does not define which elements may be in the above states, or how
> the states are entered and left. (...)
> "
> "3. Link C" (when activated with left mouse click) is red in Firefox
> 3.6.13, Opera 10.63, Chrome 8.0.552.215 and Konqueror 4.5.4 and this is
> not proof of non-compliance with the spec.

The HTML specs give no justification to a UA activating a <span>.

> 3-
> "CSS 2.1 does not define if the parent of an element that is ':active'
> or ':hover' is also in that state."
> When clicking "3. Link C", both the nested span and its link container
> <a class="test">  are in the active state. Again, this is not forbidden
> according to spec.

True, but activating the <a> should not cause its child <span> to be


Received on Monday, 27 December 2010 22:17:36 UTC