Re: [Etiquette] Email Etiquette

On 7/6/12 12:40 AM, "Josh Soref" <> wrote:

>Etiquette, part 2.
>Please try to use "person wrote:" as your header and not outlook style
>"-----Original Message-----" + 4 lines of garbage. In Outlook 2010,
>File>Options>Mail>Replies and forwards:
>When replying to a message: [Prefix each line of the original message |v]
>Preface each line in a plain-text message with: [ > ]
>Please don't cc people who are involved in the discussion. Discussion
>should be on the list and the list only. Cc'ing people who are involved
>results in them getting multiple copies, or only the copy that isn't to
>the list (depending on which thing is misconfigured). Neither of these
>states is healthy. It makes it easy for people to accidentally reply in
>private when they should be sending to the list. It also makes it easy
>for people to accidentally reply to the public because the last time they
>received something it was a personal message and they thought that the
>same would apply to the next message.  -- If people want to discuss
>things about Core Mobile, they can subscribe to the list, or read it via
>an archive service. If they're subscribed, they'll get an email whether
>or not you cc them. If they chose *not* to subscribe but read it via some
>other service, then your act of Cc'ing them is violating their preference
>not to get list discussion as email.

Care to update our work mode doc[1] with these suggestions?




Received on Monday, 9 July 2012 11:59:05 UTC