Re: FYI - "Mobile Web 2009 = Desktop Web 1998"

Hi Gina,

I also agree with him about the problems listed. However, I always  
get worried when people suggest that a separate page is the best  
solution :( How many versions of a page do we need to create? One for  
each mobile class (or one for high-spec and one for low-spec), one  
for blind users, one for color-blind users, one for motor impaired  
users. What happens when the Web becomes even more ubiquitous, do we  
need to create one for the refrigerators :) He doesn't talk about  
transformation at all which is a bit disappointing.

On 4 Mar 2009, at 16:21, <> <> wrote:

> Hello Yeliz,
> Thank you very much for materials provided!
> I completely agree with Jakob Nielsen in all aspects mentioned,  
> except the one with scrolling. To my mind this problem now exists  
> only for Mobile Web, where users are used to work with a keyboard  
> (type sms, play games, etc.). So it is a common thing for them to  
> scroll. Anyway, I absolutely sure this problem will be solved in  
> early future.
> What do you think?
> Regards,
> Gina Travis
> Alierra Design Company

Received on Thursday, 5 March 2009 08:34:30 UTC