Re: New Draft MobileOK Scheme 1.0 2008-11-13

El jue, 13-11-2008 a las 11:53 +0000, Jo Rabin escribió:
> > Why not keeping the previous value (, 
> and explain that supportedBy value could be any checker interface 
> available, like the ones mentioned before (CTIC and .mobi ones)
>  >
> Because having specifically called out the W3C interface in the earlier 
> section it seems fair to mention another checker elsewhere, especially 
> since I'm an editor of the document and would like my company's products 
> recognised too. Recall that the W3C Web interface is not endorsed by the 
> BPWG (it's just the checker library that is).
> It would be reasonable to add the note you mention for clarification, 
> anyhow.

So, keeping in mind that the document should be as much neutral as we
can, I think we should use an "example" value, like:
<supportedby src="" />

And add the note for clarification

José Manrique López de la Fuente <>
Área de Tecnología Fundación CTIC
Tel: (+34) 984 29 12 12
Parque Científico Tecnológico de Gijón
Edificio Centros Tecnológicos
Cabueñes s/n
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Received on Thursday, 13 November 2008 12:18:31 UTC