Re: widget namespace

HI Chris,

> JF>  To me, it is glaringly obvious that a standards organization
> JF> should leverage whatever tools are available to ensure that the
> JF> technologies it defines are robust and extensible. In the realm of
> JF> angle-bracket markup languages, the relevant tools are XML
> JF> namespaces along with a proper schema definition using XML Schema
> JF> or RelaxNG.
> I agree that this (should be) obvious.
> Please put the widget xml in a namespace.  A RelaxNG grammar for it
> would also be highly desirable.

Thank you for your input. The namespace is now back in the spec.
Unless Anne can make a convincing case here for taking it out again, I
think this matter should now be closed.

If anyone else has any arguments for or against a namespace, please
send them in regardless.

We will likely produce a RelaxNG  schema down the track, but it is not
a priority right now. I'll ask Art to please record the creation as
some sort of schema as an issue or action in the tracker so it's not
forgotten about.

Kind regards,
Marcos Caceres

Received on Wednesday, 29 August 2007 22:16:41 UTC