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Reminder: Minutes of PSO teleconference 27 July 2001

Dear PSO Council Members,

As I have not heard from you, I assume it is OK to publish.

Best regards, Livia

-----Original Message-----
From: Livia Rosu Lunguran [mailto:Livia.Rosu@ETSI.FR]
Sent: 31 July 2001 14:31
Subject: Minutes of PSO teleconference 27 July 2001

Dear PSO Council members,

Please find attached the minutes of the last PSO teleconference held on 27
July 2001.
Should you have any comments or suggestions, please let me know.

Best regards, Livia
PSO-PC Secretary


                ICANN Protocol Standards Organization (PSO)	
                        July 27, 2001 Teleconference

Reported by: Livia Rosu, PSO-PC Secretary for August 2000-August 2001

  Vladimir Androuchko, PSO-PC Secretary as of August 2001

  Steve Bellovin / IETF Representative
  Leslie Daigle / IETF Representative
  Azucena Hernandez / ETSI representative
  Philipp Hoschka / W3C Representative
  Gerry Lawrence / ETSI Representative
  Brian Moore / ITU Representative
  Fabio Bigi / ITU Representative  
  Daniel Weitzner / W3C Representative


1. The PSO Council has discussed the results and organization of the PSO GA 2001, held on
   11 July 2001 and hosted by ETSI. Livia reported that a detailed report of the PSO GA is ready 
   for approval and will be shortly pulished on the PSO website, where copies of all the 
   presentations given are already made available. The PSO-PC members thanked Livia and ETSI for 
   the good organization of the PSO General Assembly.

   The PSO-PC was pleased to notice the ICANN Board attendance, by the active participation as
   speakers of two ICANN Directors, Mr. Hans Kraaijenbrink and Mr. Helmut Schink.

   Nevertheless, the PSO-PC expressed its dissapointment that ICANN staff were not able to be involved 
   this time, despite attempts which were made to involve ICANN staff at least via a conference bridge. 
   The members of the PSO Council agreed to send a letter to ICANN concerning the impossibility to 
   find an arrangement allowing ICANN staff involvement in the 2nd PSO GA and urging a solution for 
   the GA next year.

   Gerry has then reminded that the joint presentation of the two ICANN Directors referred to "possible
   PSO issues in ICANN", which should therefore be addressed during the next PSO teleconference. 
   In the meantime, any suggestions were invited on the PSO-PC exploder list.
   Gerry mentioned the need for the PSO to get involved in any technical issues relating to the topic
   of an ICANN policy regarding alternative roots. This subject was considered further under item 6 below.

2. The PSO-PC has discussed the ICANN's request for PSO advice on 2 names to join the New TLD Evaluation
   Process Planning Task Force. Livia was tasked to forward to ICANN the names and biographical 
   information of Mr. Roberto Laorden and Mr. Geoff Huston, as the PSO nominees to the Task Force.

3. The PSO Council members have addressed the issue of collaboration with the Names Council on the 
   assessment of the Whois system and development of policy recommendations. Livia was tasked to inform 
   ICANN that the PSO-PC has no need for technical comments but encouraged its members, as users, to reply
   to the survey conducted by the Names Council (http://www.icann.org/dnso/whois-survey-en-10jun01.htm) 
   and share their expertise in the domain-name registration system.

4. The PSO-PC has then discussed nominations to the ICANN Board, as the 2 year term of Mr. Vinton G. Cerf 
   as a member of the ICANN Board of Trustees expires October 1st 2001. The PSO-PC has opened on 
   June 1st 2001 the Call for Nominations from the SDOs and the public at large 
   (http://www.pso.icann.org/ICANN-BOD/icann-bod.htm). The closing date for nominations to the ICANN Board, 
   for the 3 year term beginning October 1st 2001, was July 15th 2001.

   After assessing candidates' strengths against the evaluation matrix of criteria, the PSO Council 
   decided to nominate Mr. Vinton Cerf as the PSO Council representative to the ICANN Board, for the 
   3 year term beginning October 1, 2001. Livia was tasked to notify the ICANN Board of the 
   PSO-PC selection.

5. The PSO-PC has considered the request from the At-Large Membership Study Committee (ALSC), as the ALSC
   Chairman, Mr. Carl Bildt has solicited input and advice from the PSO on the At-Large membership 
   Discussion Paper. Livia was tasked to inform the ALSC Chairman that the PSO-PC is analyzing this 
   issue and will inform on the progress being made. Azucena volunteered to prepare a first draft of the
   PSO response to the ALSC Discussion Paper for circulation among the PSO-PC.

6. The PSO Council considered again the subject of protocols related to an alternative root policy.
   Azucena suggested to use the PSO as vehicle for gathering technical positions from the
   signing SDOs and their members, and then synchronize their views in a common communication paper 
   to ICANN. The PSO Council members were tasked to forward their contributions on the exploder list.

   Leslie has forwarded the official IETF position (RFC 2826) to ETSI, ITU and W3C. The RFC 2826 
   is made available at http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2826.txt, as "IAB Technical Comment on the Unique 
   DNS Root". Brian will take this paper to the ITU Study Group 2, ETSI will bring it to its Technical 
   Bodies SPAN and TIPHON, with the objective of gathering clear opinions on the related technical 

   Azucena underlined that the PSO should prepare a common position on "Protocol aspects related to
   the Alternative Root issue", to be sent to the ICANN Board for consideration at the next ICANN
   meeting in Montevideo, Uruguay (September 6-10, 2001).

7. A discussion took place as whether a member of the PSO Council should be designated as "chair" and 
   how a timeframe for those chair activities would look like. Azucena supported the need of having
   a PSO-PC chair by rotation, to lead the ongoing work and be the official interface for communication
   with external bodies. However, the majority opinion was to keep to the present arrangement of not
   having a designated chairperson.  The secretary was requested to ensure that at the close of each 
   teleconference, the date for the next one is always agreed. Then whenever a request is received from 
   ICANN or one of the other Supporting Organisations, the secretary shall immediately respond stating 
   that this topic will be discussed at the next meeting of the Protocol Council, giving the date of 
   that meeting, and shall then place the topic on the agenda for the next meeting.  Thus it has been 
   agreed that the PSO-PC Secretary shall continue to play an active role as an external relations 
   interface and should make sure of showing promptness in addressing all the external requests in 
   due time.

8. Livia has summarized the main tasks to be handed-over to Vladimir Androuchko, PSO-PC Secretary as 
   of August 2001, when ITU will take over from ETSI the PSO Secretariat. 

9. The next PSO-PC teleconference was scheduled for Tuesday, 4 September 2001, at 15:00 CET.