Re: SPDY Header Frames

On 15/07/2012 7:07 p.m., Poul-Henning Kamp wrote:
> In message <>, Amos Jeffries writes:
>> Hopefully the result will be a BIG change towards simplicity. But only
>> time will tell about that.
> I don't see any signs of that anywhere, care to elaborate what you
> base your hope on ?

"Hope is hope. If we had reasons, it'd be called surety" - Anonymous.

We have the opportunity for reducing the HTTPbis specs into one spec 
which describes the framing for HTTP/2 and flow controls. Leaving the 
rest of the protocol features out as separate optional extensions. There 
is hope, slim maybe, but hope.


Received on Sunday, 15 July 2012 08:59:44 UTC