Re: Proposal for an HTTP ERR method

> That situation _definitely_ exists.  Think of HTTP load balancers and
> such.  POSTs for a URI may be handled by different servers than GETs
> for the same URI.
> I would think _most_ servers would route ERRs for a URI to the same
> place that served that URI recently, _most_ of the time.
> That is enough to alert humans to a problem on their servers, which is
> being detected by clients.
> > How could one deal with that situation, if that situation indeed exists?
> You let the server administrators figure it out.

This would be another example why an explicit error reporting URI in the
response headers would be a better way to go.  The system could
dynamically include unique identifiers for the generating server and
include that in the URI, and perhaps have all URIs for a cluster of
servers point a single error reporting server.

Adding new HTTP methods should only be done when there is no other
sensible choice available.

Justin Chapweske - Founder, Onion Networks
Transfer large files 10x faster than FTP with Onion Networks' WAN

Received on Wednesday, 23 June 2004 13:54:55 UTC