RE: Protection spaces and proxy servers

> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> []
> Sent: Tuesday, May 05, 1998 4:40 AM
> To:
> Subject: Protection spaces and proxy servers
>      Query?
>      ------
>      What is the protection space for a proxy server which forces 
>      authentication? Does the "..canonical root URL of the 
> server being 
>      accessed.." refer to the proxie servers URL, or the 
> origin servers 
>      URL. The later would imply that the client should stop 
> sending proxy 
>      authorization headers whenever the protection space of 
> the origin 
>      server changes, even though the proxy has not changed.
>      If proxy servers request authorization, it is likely 
> that the same 
>      authorization will be required for all/most resources 
> accessed through 
>      the proxy, and I must suppose that the protection space 
> refers to the 
>      proxies URL, and therefore all requests a client makes 
> via that proxy 
>      must require authorization as long as the realm remains 
> constant. Is 
>      this the case?
I beleive this is correct.  There are some complicated cases
where this definition may fail to be true when cascaded proxies
are used.  Ideally, each proxy in a chain can use a different realm,
but to the client it would appear as two different realms on
the same proxy since the client doesn't necessarily see the higher
level proxies.

Josh Cohen <>
Program Manager IE - Networking Protocols 

Received on Thursday, 7 May 1998 12:56:52 UTC