Re: Any objections to "Accept-encoding: gzip, *;q=0"?

Jeffrey Mogul:
>  (a)	Accept-Encoding: gzip, compress, no-identity
>		/* an explicit "no identity-encoding wanted" token */

I like (a) best.  The trouble with adding q values to this header is
that it makes selecting the `best' encoding much more complicated
(decoding short floats and finding the highest one is too complicated
to do in a simple shell script, for example), and this would
discourage the deployment of servers which know about encodings.

I think that the knowledge that `gzip is better than compress is
better than identity' can just as well be implemented at the server
side, and implementing it there will be much cheaper.

Another reason I like (a) is that there won't be any compatibility
problems with existing servers.



Received on Tuesday, 22 July 1997 00:53:49 UTC