Re: APPLCORE rough concensus?

At 08:04 08/02/99 PST, wrote:
>I wonder exactly what "should be coordinated with the HTTP-NG team and
ONCRPC WG" means.  Does it mean that harmony with the HTTP-NG and/or ONCRPC
protocols is a requirement?  Does it mean that harmony with the HTTP-NG
and/or ONCRPC protocols counts for something when making design choices?

What *I* would mean is that I see some overlap between the goals of
APPLCORE and HTTP-NG (and some overlap between HTTP-NG and ONC RPC goals),
and that if one solution serves both that would be better than two solutions.

E.g. see my separate comments on handling concurrency.


Graham Klyne

Received on Tuesday, 9 February 1999 07:48:36 UTC