RE: VERSION-CONTROL status reporting

> And then lists as a Postcondition:
> > (DAV:already-under-version-control): If the request-URL identified
> > a resource already under version control at the time of the request,
> > the VERSION-CONTROL request MUST NOT change the DAV:checked-in or
> > DAV:checked-out property of that version-controlled resource.

Hmm, I think I was thrown off by the title of this precondition.  It seems
that the purpose of the postcondition is to flag when the property invariant
(DAV:checked-in' == DAV:checked-in) ^ (DAV:checked-out' == DAV:checked-out)
cannot be maintained, and so the name of the postcondition really should be
something like "DAV:property-invariant-violated".

- Jim

Received on Friday, 9 February 2001 02:05:29 UTC