Re: Charlint (aka charlie)

At 16:34 13.07.99 +0900, Martin J. Duerst wrote:
>Dear IETF charset experts,
>I'm glad to announce the availability of 'charlint' (aka 'charlie')
>Future announcements (in particular upgrades and bug fixes)
>will also be published on
>Charlint is a perl program that checks and corrects a stream of
>UTF-8-encoded characters. In particular, it implements Normalization
>Form C (Canonical Composition) according to Unicode TR #15,
>in accordance with the Character Model for the World Wide Web
>W3C WD (

Unicode TR 15 refers to an Unicode character database for composition.
Is this database changing with every new amendment to the base standard,
or is it a stable reference that can be compiled into programs?

If it is unstable, how does charlint deal with it?


Harald Tveit Alvestrand, Maxware, Norway

Received on Tuesday, 13 July 1999 07:56:17 UTC