Re: Empty paragraphs

On Tue, 4 Sep 2001, Lee Passey wrote:

> Re-reading my previous response I believe I could be a little more clear
> about my motivations.  The problem is caused by (gasp!) Microsoft Word
> 2000!  If I create a Word 2000 document that contains a double space
> between certain paragraphs, when creating its bloated and inappropriate
> HTML Word represents the empty line as a paragraph with a single
> non-breaking space.  My goal is to tidy this to a break (<br />) instead
> of an (almost) empty paragraph.

What about putting it through sed?

  tidy ... | sed -e 's/<p>&nbsp;<\/p>/<br \/>/g' > output.html

Ignacio Vazquez-Abrams  <>

Received on Tuesday, 4 September 2001 14:19:37 UTC