Re: Tidy lib again Was: Thread safety & encodings support

* Reitzel, Charlie wrote:
>There has been some discussion of setting up a source forge project for Tidy
>and refactoring it as a linked lib w/ a command line driver.   We have yet
>to hear back from Dave Raggett or anyone else at the w3c about the idea.  I
>think it is time to "just do it".

I second this.

>A few folks who have expressed interest and, more important, willingness to
>help.  Your suggestions indicate you have a similar interest.  Can we
>include you?

I'm happy to help where I can.

>Of course each of us will have his or her own pet priorities (I know I do).
>So I think we'll need to build some consensus on the overall project
>approach first and then we can discuss software specifics.  Before moving
>ahead on code, we should report back to this list and collect feedback.


>Limited time disclaimer: we all probably have day jobs and limited time to
>devote to such an undertaking.  We'll need to be careful to set reasonable
>goals and schedules.  I'm thinking a basic API w/ bug fixes release could be
>managed this  summer.

Sounds realistic.

>Who's in?

I am.
Björn Höhrmann { }
am Badedeich 7 } Telefon: +49(0)4667/981028 {
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Received on Friday, 18 May 2001 18:36:53 UTC