Re: Hair loss and Netscape Blues !!

Ah yes, I wonder how many of us are transgressors in using the table tag for 
layout?  I know I am guilty - and have been for many months - even though I 
do validate my pages (written in XHTML 1.0 "strict" and ISO-HTML) in the W3C 
HTML/CSS validators (and WDG HTML validator). 

BTW, being an old (really old) Pascal programmer I am presently embedding 
modular Style Sheets in my pages until I formulate a library of external CSS 
files - kinda untidy (pun intended) I know - but I don't have enough hours in 
my days to "come clean" at present.

I do hand write all my code  - masochistically even the individual tags (but 
I enjoy doing it) and although I use TIDY (integral to HTML-KIT) to clean 
things up and indent/beautify, I don't apply CSS via TIDY. 

James Pickering
Tucson, Arizona

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Received on Wednesday, 13 December 2000 06:38:17 UTC