JTidy: Pb with enclosed tag A


I have found a probleme when parsing an HTML page with JTidy that contains
the following tags :

        <div align="center"><font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"
size="1"><a  onMouseOver="canceltime();act('r3');" onMouseOut="inactall();"
<a href="https://www.bdlinvest.com/prod/login.nsf/log?openform&login=1"
target="body" >Market Watch</a></font></div>

the error is :

line 149 column 80 - Error: <a> missing '>' for end of tag
This document has errors that must be fixed before
using HTML Tidy to generate a tidied up version.

The problem is caused by the A tag with no href. I have no way to change the

Is there any solution by configuration or is it a bug ?

THanks for help.

Denis Queffeulou

Received on Friday, 19 May 2000 05:48:19 UTC