Re: [dxwg] versioning and resource status (#1238)

Well we're currently working on 'version' and the whole issue of what
aspects of the cataloging process to version (see etc)

On Wed, 27 May 2020 at 08:52, tombaker <> wrote:

> @dr-shorthair - Thank you for filling in the background!
> > I'm developing a profile of DCAT for the Queensland Government right now,
> for example, a lot of which is rules around the use of DC properties. But
> 'status' comes up all the time, and I'm always somewhat surprised to find
> it missing from the 'standard' RDF vocabs.
> Another group developing an application profile recently flagged 'status'
> as a gap and argued for including it in DCMI Metadata Terms. We have been
> conservative about adding terms but the vocabulary is not frozen, hence my
> question whether other general-purpose properties have emerged in the DCAT
> context as gaps.
> —
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