[MINUTES] W3C Credentials CG Call - 2021-02-10 12pm ET

Thanks to Manu Sporny for scribing this week! The minutes
for this week's Credentials CG telecon are now available:


Full text of the discussion follows for W3C archival purposes.
Audio from the meeting is available as well (link provided below).

Credentials CG Telecon Minutes for 2021-02-10

  1. Introductions / Reintroductions
  2. Announcements and Reminders
  3. Progress on Action Items
  4. Updates on Universal Wallet
  5. Traceability Update
  6. Secure Data Storage Working Group
  Kim Hamilton Duffy and Wayne Chang and Heather Vescent
  Manu Sporny
  Wayne Chang, Manu Sporny, Charles E. Lehner, Heather Vescent, 
  Mike Prorock, Kaliya Young, Ted Thibodeau, Erica Connell, David 
  Chadwick, Chris Winczewski, Dmitri Zagidulin, Adrian Gropper, 
  Dave Longley, Orie Steele, Rouven Heck, Michael Herman, Jeff 

<heathervescent> We will be starting momentarily, giving folks a 
  few minutes to join.
Mike Prorock: Correction: Traceability Vocab
Manu Sporny is scribing.

Topic: Introductions / Reintroductions

Heather Vescent:  Anyone new that would like to reintroduce 
Heather Vescent:  Anyone on the call that would like to introduce 
Heather Vescent:  Anyone that hasn't introduced themselves in a 
  while that would like to introduce themselves?
<dmitriz> oh cool!! I know Highland Sw!
Chris Winczewski:  Hi, Chris Winczewski, we were Learning 
  Machine, now we're Hyland Credentials - been in the community for 
  a while -- good to be here.

Topic: Announcements and Reminders

Heather Vescent:  We have Thoughtful Biometrics workshop for date 
  change. Kaliya, what's the new date?
Kaliya Young:  March 8th, 10th, and 12th
Kaliya Young:  We're inviting folks who work as biometric 
  scientists, identity manage and civil society concerned about the 
  previous two.
Heather Vescent:  Any other anouncements?
Kaliya Young:  Internet Identity Workshop April 20th - 22nd -- 
  it's coming up.
Heather Vescent:  An email went out yesterday about CCG Election.
Heather Vescent: CCG Election: 
Heather Vescent:  I wanted to go over a brief timeline.
Heather Vescent:  If you look at election timeline, we had to 
  wait to announce until the charter was updated and time to 
  register issues ended yesterday - election will open on March 
  10th... one month from now, starting from yesterday until Feb 
  23rd is nomination period. Anyone can nominate themselves -- send 
  name, affiliation, and statement.
Heather Vescent:  In order to vote, you need to be a member of 
  the CCG by yesterday... if you joined today, you won't be able to 
  vote or self-nominate.
Heather Vescent:  The nomination period will conclude, midnight 
  pacific on Feb 23rd. The following day, Feb 24th, we'll have 
  candidates speak at CCG meeting. Voting will open on March 10th. 
  You'll have one week to vote. Voting will close on March 17th. We 
  will be using ranked choice voting.
Heather Vescent:  Details on procedure will be provided before 
  then -- ranked choice voting cornell is useful.
Heather Vescent:  We hope to have votes by March 22nd -- new 
  chair starts on March 24th -- this is a 3 year term... When Chair 
  seats expire, there will be new votes.
Wayne Chang:  Two weeks for charter amendment passed w/o strong 
  objections. We've made updates to the draft based on concerns, 
  moving forward to move with Ivan to update charter on website. 
  Just giving an update.
Manu Sporny:  Quick note about voting site: opavote that is 
  useful for doing rank choice voting, works well and is free. 
  [scribe assist by Heather Vescent]
Heather Vescent:  I hope we have various people interested in 
  running for co-chair -- very interested to see who is interested. 
  I personally would like to see multiple nominations -- would like 
  to see voting among multiple choices.

Topic: Progress on Action Items

Heather Vescent: 179: 
Heather Vescent:  A couple of weeks ago, during Verifiable 
  Request meeting, proposed work item was proposed -- in last week 
  or so, Gabe who proposed this, initially proposed as being a lead 
  -- he's unable to do that. I don't think we have two formal leads 
  on this. Wanted to alert the community that if there are not two 
  leads from different orgs that want to take a lead, this is 
  likely going to be closed w/o becoming a new work item.
Heather Vescent:  Is there anyone on the call that would like to 
  become a co-owner for this work item?
Heather Vescent:  If we do not have some new leads to take this 
  work item on in the next 14 days, we'll close this issue until 
  someone is able to take the lead on this.
Heather Vescent: 136: 
Heather Vescent:  The only other issue I wanted to bring up was 
  issue 136 -- learnings from last co-chair election. Lots of 
  discussion on this thread, we used this thread to resolve the 
  concerns on election charter amendment, since we did that -- I 
  will publish it onto the website.

Topic: Updates on Universal Wallet

Orie Steele: 
Heather Vescent:  We have Orie Steele and Mike Prorock here to 
Orie Steele:  We've made progress on universal wallet interop - 
  healthy chatter on Github issues, potential integration points w/ 
  Hyperledger Aries - some specs in OpenID on credential issuance 
  for JWT and Linked Data Proof credentials. There are threads on 
  those issues in the repo.
Orie Steele:  We have also published some react/storybook 
  components - there's been updates to React components that 
  implement some of the interfaces. Sample implementations and 
  plugins have been updated. Mostly updated to newer cryptographic 
Orie Steele:  One of the most exciting updates is encrypted data 
  vault replication -- replicates between local wallet and remote 
  wallet. EDVs being worked on as joint work item for CCG/DIF. 
  Universal wallet uses EDVs for backing storage and sync.
Manu Sporny:  What's the timeline & roadmap? [scribe assist by 
  Heather Vescent]
Orie Steele:  What we're looking to do is describe in JSON-LD 
  connection points between VCs, DIDs, key management software, and 
  EDVs. We're aggregating JSON-LD and JSON objects and describing 
  them in the spec.
Orie Steele:  As people find what they want to express, we'll 
  make sure there's a place that documents that. It's a CCG work 
  item, I would expect at some point, we'd want to put it into a 
  more rigorous standards process. I don't know what the timeline 
  for that is. We might want to do other things before we do that.
David Chadwick:  You probably know that in the SSF project, there 
  is a universal backup service being developed -- one of the 
  issues being raised, what happens when wallet backs everything up 
  to universal backup service, how do they recover the wallet? They 
  said that's still an item to be developed.
David Chadwick:  Any thoughts on that?
Orie Steele:  Yes, the feature I explaiend about EDVs is one 
  solution to that problem -- you can replicate local wallet 
  content to a remote server. you can replicate that with keys that 
  are not just in one place, but encrypt that content for multiple 
  recipients, if you include local phone-bound keys... if you only 
  do that, you're screwed when phone is destroyed.
Orie Steele:  However, with multiple recipients in EDVs, you can 
  ensure that both your desktop and phone has decryption keys.
David Chadwick:  Oh, so if I had laptop and phone, I could backup 
  from one to the other.
Orie Steele:  Yes, although that's a feature of EDVs -- not of 
  Universal Wallet specification.
David Chadwick:  So, hardware keys on phone and desktop are not 
  an issue, as long as you have one of them.
Orie Steele:  Yes, although key management is out of scope for 
<rouven> +q - re. secure wallet work
<davidc> ssf -> eSSIF
Michael Herman:  Orie, you and I are on Encrypted Data Vault, 
  still in early specification stage, yet less familiar with 
  Universal Wallet effort -- sounds like you're fairly far along 
  with implementations of EDVs, how do both of those things come 
Orie Steele:  EDVs were originally funded as a part of DHS work a 
  few years ago -- Digital Bazaar was the initial author and vendor 
  that implemented EDVs. Transmute implemented before the work was 
  moved to CCG/DIF -- we implement the same version of EDV API. 
  That's what we've built Universal Wallet functionality around. 
  We're trying to keep the APIs aligned.
Orie Steele:  As you're aware, what we have works for at least 3 
  vendors. From a timing perspecitve, there are still features 
  we're working on, and will continue to work on those, any changes 
  we make to specification will have to be implemented by all three 
<michael_herman_(trusted_digital_web)> Thk you Orie
Orie Steele:  While we wait for those changes to happen, we do 
  have working implementations.
Wayne Chang:  Two things - first, highlight importance of working 
  on these specs wrt. governments that work for them. Recently, 
  Experian pulled otu of a deal and left 2 million accounts 
  unaccounted for. I think the work we're doing here is important.
Wayne Chang: 
Wayne Chang:  A part of the vocabulary useful to folks here -- 
  MUD test -- matthew greene came up with this term. It means that 
  if you slipped and fell into the mud, all devices ruined, would 
  you be able to recover your data.
Wayne Chang:  If you have true custody of it, you can't recover 
  -- whether or not that's approrpirate for all use cases, whether 
  you need guardianship, that's a separate topic, but interesting 
  wayt to think about this.
Adrian Gropper:  Those of us that see the world in terms of 
  authorization servers, look at mobile wallet and custodial wallet 
  differences, how does Universal Wallet spec deal with (or doesn't 
  deal with) custodial wallets.
Rouven Heck: 
Orie Steele:  Great question, it doesn't care about wallet -- 
  cares about profiles and grouping of content -- you can group 
  things in personas, it has things you only share with certain 
  other people/orgs.
Orie Steele:  There is certain other content that you'd only 
  share w/ you best friend.
Orie Steele:  The purpose of Universal Wallet is to describe 
  wallet content in JSON-LD -- it doesn't have an opionion on what 
  kind of wallet you have -- just the contents of the wallet.
<phil.l> A naive question: to what extent are the EDVs referred 
  to here compatible (?) with Solid's Personal Online Data Stores 
  (PODS) or are these orthogonal solutions?
Adrian Gropper:  In today's GNAP meeting, issue came up -- how 
  will GNAP be sure that we're not locking out SSI type initiatives 
  by being too HTTP-centric. So, the question I have -- if the 
  custodial implementation of universal wallet is custodial based, 
  how do we square that circle? How do we then present relationship 
  between DID Comm and other messaging protocols in context of what 
  we're doing here.
Orie Steele:  The interfaces for wallet interfaces are abstract, 
  you can implement over anything -- we don't know how those wallet 
  interfaces would be implemented, don't know if they're all 
  exposed or not exposed externally/internally... we just describe 
  the interfaces wrt. wallet content.
Orie Steele:  For example, we don't say how you get a Verifiable 
  Presentation to a verifier... it speaks to contents of wallet and 
  key material.
Rouven Heck:  There is a new WG Charter at DIF -- wallet 
  security, all about things around wallets. Authority in germany 
  that issues passports, they want to understand what wallet 
  security features are supported -- hardware wallet, key exposure, 
  these questions came up -- we want to get a broad audience 
  involved -- there's a mailing list now -- we'd like 
  representaiton from community on this.
Heather Vescent:  How should folks respond to that? Directly to 
  that document?
Rouven Heck:  Yes, providing feedback on document would be good.
Rouven Heck:  Sending questions to mailing list might also be 
Rouven Heck:  I'll send email to mailing list.
Heather Vescent:  Yes, that would be good.
Manu Sporny:  The universal wallet spec threw me. It sounds more 
  like a "what's in your wallet" specification. Is that the purpose 
  to document what you put in a wallet? So when you move your 
  wallet from one provider to another, the providers have an idea 
  how to handle the data in the wallet, based on the format? 
  [scribe assist by Heather Vescent]
Orie Steele:  The introduction says what you just said -- content 
  for digital wallet and interfaces to wallet content -- it might 
  may make reference to DIDComm or HTTP, it's purpose is to explain 
  how key material is related to VCs. Your wallet might have keys 
  -- unify those data models -- some discussion in moving those out 
  to separate specification, not now, but maybe later.
Orie Steele:  If you move wallet content from one wallet to 
  another -- how did you express taht to user before you made that 
  transfer, or are you going to require user to understand what 
  they're going to lose when they transfer.
Orie Steele:  What wallet vendors support what interfaces? Some 
  will support credit cards, others cryptocurrencies, others both.
Orie Steele:  You would not want to transfer from one vendor to 
  another w/o losing what you're giving up.
Orie Steele:  Yes, interfaces describe that, but in the 
  abstract... most of spec provides consistent definitions about 
  what's in a wallet.
<orie> Thanks!

Topic: Traceability Update

Mike Prorock:  Traceability Vocabulary - I'll cover that.
Orie Steele: https://github.com/w3c-ccg/traceability-vocab
Mike Prorock:  This kinda kicked off with the start of the DHS 
  SVIP program -- Transmute started it during last year - 4-5 
  companies engaged and getting good visibility from GS1. Key goals 
  is to standardize a set of vocabularies that are common across 
  supply chain vendors.
Mrporock: Easy way to think about that -- no reason to redefine 
  location or address when it's already been done in GS1 or 
  schema.org -- a way of consolidating that information, and 
  provide additional vocabulary when there are gaps, especially on 
  the JSON-LD side... for example, agricultural inspection, 
  chemical testing, contamination testing, etc.
Mrprorock: Similar use cases around oil and gas, steel, timber, 
Mrporock: We are heading towards an annual major release 
  schedule... Q1 2021 will pin a version of this... end of this 
  month to allow clean set of versioned vocabulary objects to be 
  used across VC HTTP API across supply chain companies.
Mike Prorock:  I'll pause here for any questions.
Wayne Chang:  As an implementer, what are the best places to get 
  started on traceability vocab -- what would be interesting in 
  whole flow of issuance, storage, verification.
Orie Steele: You may also want to look at:
Orie Steele: https://github.com/w3c-ccg/vc-http-api
Mike Prorock:  Yes, over VC HTTP API or Linked Data (JSON-LD) -- 
  been bumping up documentation quiet a bit -- if I add "new 
  inspection type or shipment type of X" -- the way to start is 
  JSON Schema definition and series of steps where JSON Schema 
  being used thanks to magic from Orie, generate JSON-LD file then 
  generate test suites through the path - validation, etc.
Mrprorock: Schema to JSON-LD to Schema doing it in a programmatic 
  way that will scale -- other benefits that we see internally, 
  generation of data for demonstration purposes.
Mrprorock: re-use generators, generate valid and invalid test 
  cases for Linked Data to generate sample data to work with -- 
  demonstrate use cases.
Mike Prorock:  If you find any issues in documentation, please 
  note it -- we've been trying to make this approachable to 
Manu Sporny:  Seems like its on the trajectory to grow to size of 
  schema.org. What's the thinking on how to manage that growth? 
  [scribe assist by Heather Vescent]
<michael_herman_(trusted_digital_web)> Have you looked at the UBL 
  2.2. specification for the 80+ most common business documents: 
Mike Prorock:  Yes, good question -- we don't want to duplicate 
  things that are done elsewhere. How do we reuse, point back to 
  where something exists -- back to GS1 or schema.org or EPCIS and 
  leverage that.
Orie Steele: Re UBL yes, we looked at it, but feel free to open 
  an issue to discuss its inclusion :)
Mike Prorock:  There is also this notion of common elements 
  across supply chain -- places, locations, bills of lading, and 
  then there are subject matter terms -- this has not been 
  standardized as a group -- but way it's leaning -- we will start 
  seeing patterns that have "Inspection" and then subtype 
  "Agriculture Inspection" then subtype "Contamination Agriculture 
Orie Steele: https://github.com/w3c-ccg/traceability-vocab
Mike Prorock:  So, this gives ability to speak an API wrt. 
  "Inspection", but specialize "Steel Inspection" -- commodity 
  specific, trade specific segmentation.
<orie> Use w3id.org.
Wayne Chang:  Just wanted to mention about how -- infrastructure 
  task force, next week or following -- figuring out how to manage 
  context in vendor neutral way -- whether we collaborate with 
  w3id.org, could talk w/ W3C Management -- potential of interop 
  profiles, GS1, or other groups in other sectors. Companion 
  interop specifications -- vendor neutral way to host everything 
  that governments and large enterprises can depend on.
Wayne Chang:  Potential work item -- fantasy work item for me -- 
  specify orchestration of these VCs using domain specific 
  language... Business Process Modelling Notation -- they must have 
  this field, have this family, could model overall flow.
Wayne Chang:  There is PetriNets, that is isomorphic to business 
  process modelling notation -- interesting work item for 
<orie> We've using BPM before... its pretty great
Orie Steele:  The way to collaborate on these items, go to 
  github, ask questions, discuss.
Mike Prorock: +1

Topic: Secure Data Storage Working Group

Dmitri Zagidulin:  I'm Dmitri Zagidulin, working on Confidential 
  Storage Spec alongside Kaliya, and Tobias... as well as Editors 
  -- Orie, Manu, and Daniel.
Dmitri Zagidulin:  Most of activity that takes place is in that 
  Github repository - we have weekly calls on Thursdays at 4pm ET.
Dmitri Zagidulin:  That's a link to the specification
Dmitri Zagidulin:  That's a link to slide deck that introduces 
  SDS work... talks about what problem we're solving, layers, what 
  charter is, etc.
Dmitri Zagidulin:  Structure of authorization -- many are 
  familiar with WG, so what's new?
Orie Steele: And here is an open source EDV client: 
Dmitri Zagidulin:  We now have an example implementation in 
  confidential storage repo itself -- we have an open source 
  implementation -- tests and test vectors to ensure we're 
  interoperating. Conversations so far have been about 
  authorization methods and replication use cases. This weeks call 
  is going to be on interface between lower level EDV spec and 
  higher level Hub spec.
Dmitri Zagidulin:  We're trying to nail down interop layer 
  between the two so two layers can work in parallel
Orie Steele: 
Dmitri Zagidulin:  Touching really quickly on Michael's question 
  on state of spec vs. implementation.... like many standards 
  groups -- we've come together after implementations have been 
  made... implementations are informed by implementation 
  experience... The group has laid down use cases, separate use 
  case document in spec repo -- have discussed on previous calls 
  other components/layers - are moving towards finalizing remaining 
  pieces of EDV spec.
Heather Vescent:  Feel free to ask questions.
Dmitri Zagidulin:  Please join the group, join the calls, 
  contribute to the repo.
Wayne Chang:  I'd love to zoom out a bit, contextualization of 
  the work -- what other parts of the ecosystem would that work 
  interact with and in what way?
<orie> /me wonders when WebKMS will be updated...
Dave Longley: For example: Where do you put your wallet 
  contents/VCs/capabilities? ... one answer is: in EDVs.
Dmitri Zagidulin:  Our work very much depends on having some 
  other components -- key management, you need to manage encryption 
  keys -- we leave key management out of scope -- other WGs/Task 
  Forces can specify / recommend what KMS interfaces are -- what 
  are recommended key suites, that's one set of specs that we 
  intersect with but do not specify.
Orie Steele: https://w3c-ccg.github.io/webkms/
Dmitri Zagidulin:  There are wallets as well
Dmitri Zagidulin:  Also, authorization specs -- so far main authz 
  specs in consideration are GNAP, and Authorization Capabilities 
  (zcaps), and HTTP Signatures for proof of possession.
Dmitri Zagidulin:  So, in summary, wallets, key management 
  systems, authorization specs.
<orie> thanks manu!
Heather Vescent:  Ok, to engage follow up with SDS WG.
Heather Vescent:  Thanks all, have a great day.

Received on Wednesday, 10 February 2021 22:42:56 UTC