RE: aligment-adjust property

You are correct.  The "before-edge" and "after-edge" values 
should be removed from the alignment-adjust property.  

Note, this will require a slight change to the wording of
alignment-baseline since if you don't specify alignment-adjust, 
its default is based on alignment-baseline where these values 
are (and should be) allowed. 

Paul Grosso
for the XSL FO SG

> -----Original Message-----
> From: 
> [] On Behalf Of Manuel Mall
> Sent: Wednesday, 2005 September 28 5:31
> To:
> Subject: aligment-adjust property
> This is a request for clarification please.
> The alignment-adjust property has the values "before-edge" 
> and "after-edge"
> as legal values. However, according to the definition of 
> these baselines in
> section 7.13 (7.14 in the draft) they are only defined for 
> line areas. The
> alignment-adjust property is defined only for formatting 
> objects generating
> inline areas. Inline areas don't have those baselines and 
> therefore I don't
> understand how such a value for alignment-adjust should be 
> interpreted.
> Thank you
> Manuel

Received on Thursday, 20 October 2005 18:21:17 UTC