Re: Place fo:marker children into FO content models


This is in reference to my previous email [1] recommending listing 
fo:markers directly within the content model.  It appears from another's 
comment on a related topic (which pointed to rule 51 of the XML 
recommendation [2]), that at least #2 and #8 of my suggestions were 
incorrect because evidently nothing may precede #PCDATA in a mixed 
content model. 

If so, it may be helpful for the SG to adopt another syntatical model 
that would allow a fuller specification of the precise ordering of child 
elements (i.e., without the DTD-mandated constraints), especially as the 
number of FO's defined within the recommendation increases.


Glen Mazza
Apache FOP Team

Received on Sunday, 25 July 2004 09:20:57 UTC