Re: removing fo:color-profile requirement from fo:declarations

At 23:01 2004-06-14 -0400, Glen Mazza wrote:

>In the 1.0Rec/1.1WD, the contents listing for fo:declarations[1] requires at least one fo:color-profile child element:
>Contents: (color-profile)+
>However, there is an immediate qualification to this as follows:  
>"The fo:declarations flow object may have additional child elements in a non-XSL namespace."
>With this qualification, the requirement for at least one fo:color-profile seems strange.  Because you can use fo:declarations for non-XSL child elements, it is conceivable that a user could use fo:declarations precisely for this reason, with no concern or need of fo:color-profiles.
>I recommend switching the fo:declarations contents listing to the following:
>Contents: (color-profile)*

Speaking personally, I would support this change.  I'll ask the SG to consider.


Received on Tuesday, 15 June 2004 13:48:21 UTC