Re: unsatisfied

Le Friday 21 March 2003 17:30, Paul Grosso a écrit:
> >
> >Paul, my last comments and your reactions to these comments for comment
> > #15 have not been updated.
> Comment 38 is where we processed your reply to our response
> to comment 15.

Ah, OK. I was thinking you would do an item #2 for that one

> Unfortunately, I am just the chair, not the editor of the
> Comments doc or the entire SG, and some other SG members
> tend to be more "terse" that I would be, so the official
> reply on comment 38 is less explanatory than I would like.
> In fact, the SG agrees that datatype handling in XSL is
> an area that could use more work, but such work is not
> within scope for an erratum.

I agree that would need to be addressed, really.

>  Furthermore, we are somewhat
> constrained by our requirement to support the CSS syntax
> which often causes problems for the XSL FO expression language.

I'm not sure how much this prevents from doing that in a much simpler manner.

> So for now, the point is that the <uri-specification> datatype
> is really a subtype of <string>.

This point should be stated in the spec then.

>  That is, the value of the
> src property follows all that for something of the datatype
> <string> but then in addition also has to follow the extra
> constraints defined by <uri-specification>.
> As such, the unusual quoting you noticed is, in fact, allowable.
> On the other hand, I'm not sure why that unusual quoting was
> chosen for the example in the first place, as I agree that isn't
> the way I'd usually quote such things.
> So if you still feel we have misinterpreted the spec as it now
> stands, please submit another comment.

I'm fine if <uri-specification> being a "subtype" of <string> is stated 
clearly in the spec. It's not a natural nor simple way of doing that, but I 
can live with it.

But so far the "subtype" aspect was not very clear in the spec.

The war against Iraq is both unjustified, illegal and amoral.

Received on Friday, 21 March 2003 11:47:42 UTC