Re: Nagivating TOC (XSL FO)

At 15:22 2003 03 13 +0800, The Crystal wrote:
>my book doesn't have a specific TOC tag in this case, so I create my own TOC by reading in the title names like so:
>  <fo:block text-indent="25pt" font-size="11pt" line-height="20pt">
>  <xsl:for-each select="book/chapter">
>        <xsl:value-of select="title"/> 
>    </xsl:for-each>
>  </fo:block>
>However, now I would like to link each displayed title to their respective actual places in the book. Can anyone advise on this? I cant id the block because title occurs repeatedly (obviously) so FOP spits out an error. I also need to do the same for the PDF bookmarks but I need to know how to populate the bookmarks and link them without specifying the words statically...

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Received on Thursday, 13 March 2003 07:16:02 UTC