Proposal for modified specs of fo:footnote, fo:footnote-body


Appended is a proposal for a different way to specify footnotes.
It allows to have several references to the same footnote.
The footnote should appear only, if there is a reference to
this footnote on the same page.

Kind Regards,
Heinz Grimm

The principle is to separate fo:footnote-body from fo:footnote.
fo:footnote-body should be an initial child of fo:block. It is
rendered on a page, if the same page has a fo:footnote with the
same number. Both, fo:footnote and fo:footnote-body have a
new property "number" to reference each other.

Sample FO:

<fo:footnote-body number="*">
 <fo:block>exceeds tolerance limit 1%</fo:block>
<fo:footnote-body number="**">
 <fo:block>exceeds tolerance limit 5%</fo:block>
    <fo:block> 1 <fo:footnote

Sample output:

page 1

| 1 *| 2  |  3 |
| 11 | 12 |  13|
| 21 |22**|  23|

* exceeds tolerance limit 1%
** exceeds tolerance limit 5%

page 2

| 4  | 5  |  6 |
| 14*| 15 |  16|
| 24 | 25 |  26|

* exceeds tolerance limit 1%

Received on Tuesday, 5 November 2002 05:18:00 UTC