- From: Paul Grosso <pgrosso@arbortext.com>
- Date: Tue, 23 Jul 2002 15:35:31 -0500
- To: <grig@renderx.com>
- Cc: xsl-editors@w3.org
Nikolai, Thank you for your comment to xsl-editors@w3.org archived at http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/xsl-editors/2002AprJun/0024.html The WG discussed this and realized that the XSL 1.0 spec's wording in this area was misleading. Informally, the idea is that all conditional space at the beginning of a reference area up to (but not including) anything other than conditional space should be suppressed. Once anything else (whether an FO or retained space) is encountered, nothing else gets suppressed. The following is the suggested rewording of the spec to makes this so (apologies for the markup, but this is literally what we plan to use): ------- the last two paragraphs in section 4.2.5 should change to: ===================== <p>An area <var>A</var> <term>begins</term> an area <var>P</var> if <var>A</var> is a descendant of <var>P</var> and <var>P</var> and <var>A</var> have either a block-stacking constraint or an inline-stacking constraint, provided that no descendant of <var>P</var> which is an ancestor of <var>A</var> has a space-before (in the case of a block-stacking constraint) or a space-start (in the case of an inline-stacking constraint) whose computed minimum, maximum, or optimum values are nonzero. In this case the second of the adjacent edges of <var>P</var> and <var>A</var> is defined to be a <term>leading edge</term> in <var>P</var>. A space-specifier which applies to the leading edge is also defined to <term>begin</term> <var>P</var>.</p> <p>Similarly, An area <var>A</var> <term>ends</term> an area <var>P</var> if <var>A</var> is a descendant of <var>P</var> and <var>A</var> and <var>P</var> have either a block-stacking constraint or an inline-stacking constraint, provided that no descendant of <var>P</var> which is an ancestor of <var>A</var> has a space-after (in the case of a block-stacking constraint) or a space-end (in the case of an inline-stacking constraint) whose computed minimum, maximum, or optimum values are nonzero. In this case the first of the adjacent edges of <var>A</var> and <var>P</var> is defined to be a <term>trailing edge</term> in <var>P</var>. A space-specifier which applies to the trailing edge is also defined to <term>end</term> <var>P</var>.</p> ===================== In addition, in section 4.3.1, the first space-resolution rule should have additional clarifying sentences and read as follows: ===================== <item><p>If any of the space-specifiers in <var>S'</var> is conditional, and begins a reference-area or line-area, then it is <term>suppressed</term>, which means that its resolved space-specifier is zero. Further, any conditional space-specifiers which consecutively follow it in the sequence are also suppressed. For purposes of this rule, a space-specifier <var>U</var> <term>consecutively follows</term> a space-specifier <var>V</var> if it <var>U</var> follows <var>V</var> and <var>U</var> and <var>V</var> are separated in the sequence only by conditional space-specifiers and/or space-specifiers whose computed minimum, maximum, and optimum values are zero.</p> <p>If a conditional space-specifier ends a reference-area or line-area, then it is suppressed together with any other conditional space-specifiers which consecutively precede it in the sequence. For purposes of this rule, a space-specifier <var>U</var> <term>consecutively precedes </term> a space-specifier <var>V</var> if it <var>U</var> precedes <var>V</var> and <var>U</var> and <var>V</var> are separated in the sequence only by conditional space-specifiers and/or space-specifiers whose computed minimum, maximum, and optimum values are zero. </p></item> ===================== ------- Please Reply (cc-ing xsl-editors@w3.org) if you wish to make an objection to our resolution. Thank you for your interest in XSL. Paul Grosso for the XSL FO Subgroup of the XSL WG
Received on Tuesday, 23 July 2002 16:36:16 UTC