the exact algorithm of REC-xslt-19991116


as a computer scientist i'm used to think in algorithms, and reading this
XSL-specification i've tried to find out what exactly the transformation 
does and how it can be parameterized by the various XSL-instructions.
understanding the transformation means understanding this algorithm. 

unfortunately you do not give the exact algorithm, you only give a rather 
informal description of how it might really work.

the whole description is quite confusing to me. in section 5, you talk about 
"the processing model" and a "current node" and a "current node set". 

--- cite ----
A list of source nodes is processed to create a result tree fragment. The 
result tree is constructed by
          processing a list containing just the root node. A list of source 
nodes is processed by appending the
          result tree structure created by processing each of the members of 
the list in order. A node is
          processed by finding all the template rules with patterns that match 
the node, and choosing the best
          amongst them; the chosen rule's template is then instantiated with 
the node as the current node and
          with the list of source nodes (*) as the current node list. A 
template typically contains instructions that
          select an additional list of source nodes for processing. The 
process of matching, instantiation and
          selection is continued recursively until no new source nodes are 
selected for processing.
--- cite ---

what exaclty is the "list of source nodes"  in (*)?
what does the instantiated template do with the "current node list"?
what i do not get is how and when these lists are updated and what the 
recursion really does and when it happens (only in xsl:apply-template? or 
also in xsl:foreach?).
in the description of xsl:apply-template you do not say how it changes what 
lists and what recursion exaclty it calls. you only say (quite informally) 
"the xsl:apply-templates instruction processes all of the children of the 
current node"

can you give me some pseudocode? that would help a lot.

thank you in advance,

Received on Friday, 31 May 2002 11:03:26 UTC