DTD for XSLT -- modularize, provide normative version?

Ladies and gentlemen,

The XSLT 1.0 W3C Recommendation provides a non-normative DTD.  It 
claims, and I quote:

    *NOTE: *This DTD Fragment is not normative because XML 1.0 DTDs do
    not support XML Namespaces and thus cannot correctly describe the
    allowed structure of an XSLT stylesheet.

Work since the XSLT 1.0 Recommendation was published, particularly in 
the Modularization of XHTML W3C Recommendation, shows this may no longer 
be accurate.  By a modularized version of XHTML and MathML being written 
as a module, we are able to cleanly intermix XHTML and MathML in the 
same document, and validate it against an experimental XHTML 1.1 + 
MathML 2.0 DTD the MathML 2.0 Recommendation specifies.  Without much 
trouble, we are also able to dictate via an XML entity the namespace of 
MathML fragments.  The SVG working group has targeted their 1.1 version 
to be a modularized version of SVG.

With all due respect to the working group, perhaps it is time to 
re-examine the issue of a normative DTD for XSLT.

A modularized DTD for XSLT would intermix very well with the XHTML 1.1 
W3C Recommendation.  An XSLT 1.0.1 + XHTML 1.1 DTD would allow for XSLT 
documents containing XHTML templates, which could therein contain XSLT 
instructions.  XSLT 1.0 already defines this as a useful procedure; 
modularization makes it possible to create a DTD which is scalable in 
this sense.  Modularization also makes it possible to create a normative 
DTD which we can use to enforce validation.

I'd appreciate hearing the working group's opinions on this matter.  

Most Respectfully Yours,

Alexander J. Vincent
author, JavaScript Developer's Dictionary (forthcoming from Sams Publishing)
Vallejo, CA

Received on Wednesday, 14 November 2001 04:48:48 UTC