XSL PR - percentages

I found some problem in percentage definitions:

7.5.3 "right"
7.5.5 "left"
    Percentages:  refer to height of containing block 

"height"?  (width)

7.21.3 "leader-pattern-width"
    Percentages:  Refer to width of containing box 

7.21.4 "leader-length"
    Percentages:  refer to width of content-rectangle of parent area 

I think these should be "refer to inline-progression-dimension of 
closest ancestor block-area that is not a line-area."

7.25.4 "extent"
    Percentages:  refer to the corresponding height or width of the
    region reference-area. 

"region reference-area"?  (page-reference-area)

Shinyu Murakami
Antenna House XSL Formatter team

Received on Monday, 24 September 2001 07:15:25 UTC