RE: conflict resolution issue

> I would recommend adding more rules for template priority
> construction:
> for example, I would expect this:
> <xsl:template match="dis.para[@style='k' or
> @style='c'][not(dnumber)]">
> to override this:
> <xsl:template match="dis.para[@style='k' or @style='c']">

The trouble about this is that there are many cases where it's obvious to
the stylesheet author that one match pattern is more selective than another,
but where it requires a fair bit of analysis to deduce this. For example

match="para[p and q]"
match="para[p[1] or q[last()]]"
  but does not imply
match="para[p[2] or q[last()-1]]"

It would be very hard to define all the rules in detail.

Mike Kay

Received on Friday, 9 February 2001 17:12:27 UTC