fo:block-container, padding and borders- request for clarification


I'd like to make sure I have the correct understanding of how to handle
padding and border on block-container formatting objects.

In section 6.5.3 I read:
"The fo:block-container formatting object generates one or more
viewport/reference pairs.
The following properties apply to this formatting object: 
  [7.4 Common Absolute Position Properties] 
  [7.6 Common Border, Padding, and Background Properties] "

In the general explanation of the area model (Chapter 4.9.4), it says
that the border is not rendered for areas which are children of
Since border and padding can be specified on block-container, should
they be applied to the viewport-area?

For example, suppose I have an absolutely positioned block-container.
The values for left,top etc. position its content rectangle. Assuming no
scrolling, the content rectangle for the reference area and its parent
viewport area should be the same (at least their start and before edges
are the same). If non-zero padding and border were specified for the
block container, are they to be rendered outside the content rectangle
of the viewport area?

Thanks in advance,

Karen Lease, FOP'er

Received on Thursday, 4 January 2001 17:51:26 UTC