link to XSLT stylesheet

Wanting to clarify the reference to a stylesheet from
a document instance, I received this from the Max.

Looks like the M$ adopted way of saying the stylesheet
is XSLT will be changed to align with the RFC.

so now it should be

<?xml-stylesheet type="application/xslt+xml" href="style/page.xsl"?>
Should this be formalised in 2.0?

Regards DaveP

-----Original Message-----
From: Max Froumentin []
Sent: 24 April 2001 05:24
Subject: Re: link to XSLT stylesheet writes:

> On the list, Mike Brown pointed out that the ?mime type?
> may not be right, using the M$ text/xsl,
> do you have any further information on that?
>   Could it / should it be added to the document?

(Sorry, I don't have much time to follow the list) You're right, there
is no text/xsl mime type, although there is a text/css (RFC2318
[1]). BUT, there is "application/xslt+xml", recently defined by RFC
3023 [2], dated January 2001. So I guess it's that one Microsoft and
others should use. But I reckon it'll take time for vendors to use it
(ask David C about text/mathml+xml, defined in the same RFC).




Received on Tuesday, 24 April 2001 03:50:22 UTC