Ambiguities in XSL 1.0 spec

6.4.14 fo:region-before


The inline-progression-dimension of the region-viewport-area is
determined by the precedence trait on the fo:region-before. If the
value of the precedence trait is true, then the
inline-progression-dimension extends up to the
**start- and after-edges**
of the content-rectangle of the page-reference-area. In this case, the
region-before region-viewport-area acts like a float into areas
generated by the region-start and region-end.

Should `start- and after-edges' be `start- and end-edges'?

Likewise for 6.4.15 fo:region-after.

7.12 Area Alignment Properties

Diagram Baselines-rev.gif

Note position of text-before-edge and text-after-edge.  Discussion in
NOTE to text-before-edge for ideographic scripts seems to contradict
the diagram.

'For ideographic fonts, the position of this baseline is normally 1 EM
in the shift-direction from the "ideographic" baseline.'

In the diagram, possibly due to the presence of non-ideographic fonts,
the text-before-edge seems to be 1 EM in the shift-direction from the
text-after-edge, and inside the EM box which is based on the ideographic

The first NOTE to the discussion of after-edge is unclear.

'If all the inline-areas in a line-area are aligned to the "after-edge"
then the specification for the "before-edge" will set the "before-edge"
baseline to coincide with the "text-before-baseline" of the line. Then,
case (2) above will determine an offset to the "bottom-edge" baseline
that will align the "before-edge" of the area with the greatest height
to its allocation-rectangle to "before-edge" baseline.'

Perhaps something along the lines of:
'Then, case (2) above will determine the offset to  the "bottom-edge"
baseline so as to fit the area with the tallest allocation-rectangle (in
the block-progression direction.)  When the "after-edge" of that tallest
area is aligned to the "after-edge" baseline, the "before-edge" of the
area coincides with the "before-edge" baseline.'

Peter B. West
"Lord, to whom shall we go?"

Received on Sunday, 1 April 2001 11:32:16 UTC