fo:page-sequence; How many fo:flow children can it have?

In section 6.4.5, fo:page-sequence, the content model is given as:


This says that each fo:page-sequence has *exactly one* fo:flow child

However, the prose in that section repeatedly refers to "the child
fo:flow objects", the "flow children of the fo:page-sequence", "the
flow-object children of the fo:page-sequence", and other plural forms of
fo:flow that suggest a fo:page-sequence can have more than one fo:flow
child. I suspect the content model for fo:page-sequence should be


Or if not, then the prose should be tightened up to indicate that at
most one fo:flow is allowed in each fo:page-sequence. 

| Elliotte Rusty Harold | | Writer/Programmer |
|               Java I/O (O'Reilly & Associates, 1999)               |
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