Re: zero-digit

>Elliotte Rusty Harold wrote:
>>  It strikes me that the text describing the zero-digit attribute of
>>  the xsl:decimal-format element in the XSLT 1.0 spec may be wrong.
>>  What is stated in Section 12.3 is:
>>  zero-digit specifies the character used as the digit zero; the
>>  default value is the digit zero (0)
>>  The issues with this:
>>  1. Why can we specify 0 but not 1 through 9?
>It's unnecessary.  In Unicode, decimal digits have consecutive codes. If
>you specify a character with Unicode code N for 0, it will use N+1 for
>1, N+2 for 2, etc.
>>  2. Changing the character used for 0 is not allowed by the
>>  java.text.DecimalFormat class after which format-number and
>>  xsl:decimal-format is modeled. ()
>You are mistaken. java.text.DecimalFormatSymbols.setZeroDigit() does
>precisely this.

It seems to be so. That's certainly not obvious from the either the 
DecimalFormatSymbols JavaDoc or the XSLT spec. I withdraw this 
erratum, but I do proposes that the relevant bullet point be 
rewritten to make it clearer that changing the zero digit also 
changes the 1 digit, 2 digit, and so forth. That is, something like:

zero-digit specifies the Unicode character used as the digit zero. 
This will also set the characters used for the digits 1 through 9 to 
the nine Unicode characters following the zero digit in Unicode 
order. The default value is the digit zero (0)

| Elliotte Rusty Harold | | Writer/Programmer |
|                  The XML Bible (IDG Books, 1999)                   |
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Received on Friday, 1 December 2000 09:02:23 UTC