Re: Diut's in xsl

  DISCLAIMER: You should contact Microsoft for information about thier
tools, I can not speak for them or for thier product's capabilities nor plans.

  To my knowledge, Microsoft does not yet support the XSL formatting
objects (and this portion of the XSL family of specifications is not yet a
recommendation). The only way I know to display in IE5 is to use XSLT to
map your XML document into HTML+CSS. Be advised that IE5 does not support
the current XSLT Recommendation, but supports a working draft that is over
1 year old. There have been significant changes in XSLT since that draft.
See the Microsoft web site for information regarding pending upgrades.

For suggetions on information on how to use XSL, the most useful places I
can point you are the W3C's '' page and the archives
of the 'xsl-list' at ''.
  I do not have time to assist you in writing your application, but the
'xsl-list' is a public discussion forum on XSL. It includes a number of
members who are publishing user's guides and how-to books on XSL (and all
its components). I suggest you follow the instructions on
'' to add yourself to this discussion forum, then post
your questions there. (Many questions are posted with the opening "I am new
to using XSL...", and all are answered courteously.)

At 18:00 2000-02-15 +0530, you wrote:
>Dear Sir,
>    I am working for orchidsoft inc.,in     EJB.and we are using XML in
>our project.
>we tried to display the XSL page on Ie5 but it is  showing the blank
>page.we went through microsoft page they added HTML Tag's  inside the
>xsl tag's .is it possible to display the xsl page without having HTML
>Tag's if so please send me one example code.
>with Regards

This e-mail reflects the opinion of the Editor of the XSL (formatting
   objects) Specification. This is my interpretation of the
   current (majority) opinion of the portion of the XSL-WG that
   is working on formatting objects. It may not reflect the opinions
   of all members of the XSL-WG or even of all members of the portion
   of the WG that is working on the formatting objects. It is subject
   to change.
Unless explicitly so stated in the text, it does not represent an
official position of Adobe Systems, Inc.
  Stephen Deach                       |  Sr Computer Scientist
  408-536-6521 (office)               |  Adobe Systems Inc.
  408-537-4214 (fax)                  |  Mail Stop W15-424 (no advertizing)   |  345 Park Ave (no advertizing) |  San Jose, CA 95110-2704
                                      |  USA

Received on Tuesday, 15 February 2000 14:20:06 UTC