- From: Stephen Deach <sdeach@Adobe.COM>
- Date: Tue, 20 Jun 2000 10:56:09 -0700
- To: "Victor Rodriguez" <victropolis@pacificnet.net>
- Cc: xsl-editors@w3.org
Victor, The XSL-WG has decided to not publish a DTD for the XSL Formatting Objects, several developers had developed DTDs for prior drafts of the XSL specification. You may wish to post your question on the xsl-list@mulberrytech.com. This is a public forum discussing the usage of XSL & XSLT. The participants are quite helpful in providing real-world answers to questions such as yours. In order to limit spam, it is necessary to register to post questions to this forum. Follow the instructions on www.mulberrytech.com for signing up on the xsl-list. ---Stephen Deach At 16:34 2000-06-20 +0200, Victor Rodriguez wrote: >Greetings... > >I am writing to you because you are all listed as authors and contributors >for the W3C XSL Version 1.0 Working Draft (http://www.w3.org/TR/xsl/) and as >such, I thought you would be perfectly qualified to answer my question. >Actually, this is the THIRD time I've written you about this same issue and >I have yet to receive a reply whether positive or negative. > >Again, I need to assemble a list in memory of all valid XSL elements and >their associated attributes. Rather than compile this information myself, I >was wondering if this information already exists in some form that could be >read in by my program like, for example, a DTD. > >I understand that you are all probably very busy, but it should not take too >long to respond to my question. Actually, it's basically a yes or no >question. If the answer is yes, tell me where I can find this information. >If the answer is no, tell me so and I'll find an alternative solution. > >Thanks in advance for your help. > >-Victor Rodriguez >Sr. Programmer Analyst >American Management Systems, Inc. > > > ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- This e-mail reflects the personal opinion of the author. -- Unless explicitly so stated in the text, it does not represent an official position of Adobe Systems, Inc. -- Unless explicitly so stated in the text, it does not represent an official opinion of the W3C XSL Working group. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stephen Deach | Sr Computer Scientist 408-536-6521 (office) | Adobe Systems Inc. 408-537-4214 (fax) | Mail Stop W15-424 sdeach@adobe.com (no ads) | 345 Park Ave | San Jose, CA 95110-2704 | USA ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -
Received on Tuesday, 20 June 2000 13:54:12 UTC