PassiveTeX XSL FO property conformance

I went over all the "Basic" XSL FO properties, and annotated them according
to how PassiveTeX deals with them. The key in the following table is

 0.  I am more or less sure this is handled right
 1.  This is handled, but some values not coped with, or
     implementation untrustworthy
 2.  I believe that TeX can do this, but I have not tried yet
 3.  I do not see how to do this in TeX
 4.  I do not think it can be relevant when typesetting a page

If I deal with borders and padding, the 2.s will decline.  Obviously
the interesting ones are the 3.s --- David Carlisle can probably comment
better than me about this.

Bear in mind when considering this:

 * I adopted a simplistic model in implementing XSL FO in TeX, by
   trying to map FOs to existing TeX objects and using a TeX-based
   parser. one could do it a much lower level with a real converter.
 * I have implemented according to need. I now believe I can render
   typical TEI documents more or less plausibly (which is my aim, of course)
 * we get MathML handling for free
 * the following extended properties (and a few others) are also working:

hyphenate       0. done
language        0. done, if underlying TeX system OK
scaling		0. ok
space-treatment 0. seems to work
font-stretch    0. should be OK
content-height  1. done for graphics
content-width   1. done for graphics

Whether all this makes you reconsider any of the basic/extended
things, I don't know.

Sebastian Rahtz

break-afterbreak-before             0. should be working 
character                0. should be working 
column-number            0. OK 
column-width             0. OK 
display-align            0. working 
end-indent               0. working 
flow-name                0. working 
font-variant             0. done 
id                       0. used 
initial-page-number      0. done 
master-name              0. ok 
ref-id                   0. used in pagenumber 
region-name              0. done 
rule-thickness           0. done 
start-indent             0. done 
text-align               0. done 
text-indent              0. done 
wrap-option              0. should be working 
baseline-shift           1. sup and super done 
border-bottom-style      1. used in places 
border-top-style         1. used in places 
color                    1. more or less complete 
font-family              1. more or less OK 
font-size                1. more or less all implemented 
font-style               1. no oblique or backslant 
font-weight              1. normal and bold only at present, others to follow
keep-with-next           1. done in theory, not working 100%
keep-with-previous       1. done in theory, not working 100% 
line-height              1. largely done 
margin-bottom            1. done in places 
margin-left              1. done in places 
margin-right             1. done in places 
margin-top               1. done in places 
page-break-after         1. Mostly implemented 
page-break-before        1. Mostly implemented 
page-height              1. not all possibilities
page-width               1. not all possibilities
provisional-distance-between-starts               1. does something, probably wrong 
provisional-label-separation                      1. does something, probably wrong 
rule-style               1. done as far as possible 
space-after              1. working more or less 
space-before             1. working more or less 
space-end                1. working more or less 
space-start              1. working more or less 
alignment-adjust         2. should be possible 
border-after-color       2. doable in theory 
border-after-style       2. doable in theory 
border-after-width       2. doable in theory 
border-before-color      2. doable in theory 
border-before-style      2. doable in theory 
border-before-width      2. doable in theory 
border-bottom-color      2. doable in theory 
border-bottom-width      2. doable in theory 
border-end-color         2. doable in theory 
border-end-style         2. doable in theory 
border-end-width         2. doable in theory 
border-left-color        2. doable in theory 
border-left-style        2. doable in theory 
border-left-width        2. doable in theory 
border-right-color       2. doable in theory 
border-right-style       2. doable in theory 
border-right-width       2. doable in theory 
border-start-color       2. doable in theory 
border-start-style       2. doable in theory 
border-start-width       2. doable in theory 
border-top-color         2. doable in theory 
border-top-width         2. doable in theory 
clip                     2. theoretically possible 
height                   2. should be OK, waiting for a need 
leader-length            2. waiting to do soon 
leader-pattern           2. waiting to do soon 
max-height               2. should be doable 
max-width                2. should be doable 
min-height               2. should be doable 
min-width                2. should be doable 
number-columns-repeated  2. doable in theory 
number-columns-spanned   2. doable in theory 
number-rows-spanned      2. doable in theory 
orphans                  2. should be doable 
overflow                 2. theoretically 
padding-after            2. waiting to be considered 
padding-before           2. waiting to be considered 
padding-bottom           2. waiting to be considered 
padding-end              2. waiting to be considered 
padding-left             2. waiting to be considered 
padding-right            2. waiting to be considered 
padding-start            2. waiting to be considered 
padding-top              2. waiting to be considered 
reference-orientation    2. doable for most objects 
visibility               2. I think can do this  
widows                   2. should be doable 
width                    2. should be OK, waiting for a need 

background-color         3. does not really map in TeX 
baseline-identifier      3. not at all sure where to start 
block-progression-dimension                       3. do not really understand it 
direction                3. waiting for extended TeX 
dominant-baseline        3. dont know where to begin 
format                   3. dont want to think about it 
grouping-separator       3. dont want to think about it 
grouping-size            3. dont want to think about it 
inline-progression-dimension                      3. have not considered at all 
letter-value             3. dont want to think about it 
line-stacking-strategy   3. untouched 
precedence               3. do not know where to start 
relative-align           3. have not got to grips with this 
writing-mode             3. will need an extended TeX 
z-index                  3. dont know where to start 

azimuth                  4. N/A 
content-type             4. N/A, I think 
cue-after                4. N/A 
cue-before               4. N/A  
elevation                4. N/A  
pause-after              4. N/A 
pause-before             4. N/A 
pitch                    4. N/A 
pitch-range              4. N/A 
play-during              4. N/A 
richness                 4. N/A 
role                     4. N/A what should I do with it?
source-document          4. N/A not sure what to do with it
speak                    4. N/A 
speak-header             4. N/A  
speak-numeral            4. N/A  
speak-punctuation        4. N/A  
speech-rate              4. N/A  
src                      4. N/A what to do with it? 
stress                   4. N/A  
voice-family             4. N/A 
volume                   4. N/A 

Received on Thursday, 4 May 2000 19:13:44 UTC