- From: Håkon Wium Lie <howcome@opera.com>
- Date: Sun, 30 Apr 2000 14:02:10 +0100
- To: xsl-editors@w3.org
- Cc: timbl@w3.org
This message is sent in reply to the last call for comments for XSL 1.0 and represents Opera Software's views. This is the second specification coming out of the XSL WG. The first one, a transformation language known as XSLT, has already become a W3C Recommendation and now the group proposes a syntax for "formatting objects" written in XML (called XSL-FO in this message). The formatting objects contain information about how a document is to be presented. Also, they contain hyperlink information. A document written in XSL-FO is therefore at the same level of abstraction as an HTML document consisting of presentational elements (e.g. FONT and BR) and A elements. Indeed, many pages on the web only consist of presentational elements and links. These pages have been considered a threat to accessibility and device-independence in the past, and W3C has spent considerable efforts trying to educate UA implementors and content providers of the benefits of style sheets and semantic markup. In HTML 4.0, presentational elements were deprecated in favor of style sheets. Recommending the use of XSL-FO on the Web means a reversal of W3C's position on these matters; XSL-FO is not a style sheet language, it's exactly the opposite. It should be a warning signal to W3C when content providers intend to use one of their specifications as a "semantic firewall" [1]. Without a syntax to express formatting objects in, XSL-FO would not be a thret to accessibility and device-independence on the web. We therefore propose to express formatting objects in something other than XML. The only technical reason why formatting objects are expressed in XML today is that XSLT can only output XML. By extending XTL to express FOs in some abstract, non-syntaxed manner the problem can be avoided, and the valuable work that the XSL FO subgroup has been doing on formatting will be able to move forward. This way, the XSL group would fulfill its charter to "specify a style sheet language for XML and other structured markup languages". As the current proposal stand, we believe the group has gone outside its charter and that the result will be a web with less style sheets and more presentational markup. For an extended argument, see [2]. Besides our problem with having a syntax for formatting objects, we would like to note the following: - from our own experience we find it hard to evaluate a specification on formatting without having a conformance/test suite and several interoperable implementations. We suggest that the specification does not move forward until interoperable implementations exist. - several of the formatting properties described redefines the semantics as described by CSS2. We assume the XSL FO subgroup think their solution is better, and that may very well be the case. However, it will be hard for formatting engines to support two slightly different interpretations. In other words, reuse of code will be difficult as long as there are differences. Also, this is not in the spirit of the charter: "The intent is also that within XSL, the formatting properties and values of CSS1/CSS2 can be used with their current meaning." - the shorthand properties have been given their own conformance level. It seems as if the specification encourages implementors not to support shorthand properties. Again, this is not in the spirit of the charter. - making XML attributes out of CSS properties has also been done by another W3C WG. MathML 1.0 contains a set of "CSS-compatible attributes". However, their solution differs from the XSL solution in subtle ways that damages interoperability and questions W3C's ability to coordinate. [1] http://www.mulberrytech.com/xsl/xsl-list/archive/msg02343.html [2] http://www.opera.com/people/howcome/1999/foch.html Regards, -h&kon Chief Technology Officer Opera Software Håkon Wium Lie http://www.opera.com/people/howcome howcome@opera.com gets you there faster
Received on Sunday, 30 April 2000 09:02:16 UTC