Question on border-widths

Hi XSL editors.

I have question about "border-width" property treatment.

"border-*-width" are described as it's Intial vaule are medium.
In my understanding, it's reasonable for block-areas.
But I'm not sure about treatment for inline-areas or stacked areas. 
Why is it's inital value not zero?

If we use stacked inline-areas without specific border-width, 
should these borders be summed up simply?

e.g, ----


Should this fo be renderd to like below? 
(please assume "|", "+" and "-" as medium-size border)

     |   +---+----+++   
     |   |   +----+++   
     |   |   +----+++   
     |   +---+----+++   

---- TOUYAMA Norio

Received on Friday, 28 April 2000 12:25:51 UTC