- From: Stephen Deach <sdeach@Adobe.COM>
- Date: Mon, 17 Apr 2000 07:28:30 -0700
- To: "Pawson, David" <DPawson@rnib.org.uk>
- Cc: xsl-editors@w3.org
Why wouldn't EM units work for this? At 08:52 2000-04-17 +0100, Pawson, David wrote: >Thanks for the detailed response. Logic accepted. > >Simple use-case need then. > >to present customer driven clear/large print, I only specify >one base-font size in the XSLT stylesheet. All other sizes >are derived from this by factoring up or down. >This permits automated provision of documents to user >specification ( I want 18 point please) dependant on >their visual acuity at the time. > >I *had* been using a multiplier with ex unit to do this. > >Suggestions for a solution to my dilema? > >Regards, DaveP > > ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- This e-mail reflects the personal opinion of the author. -- Unless explicitly so stated in the text, it does not represent an official position of Adobe Systems, Inc. -- Unless explicitly so stated in the text, it does not represent an official opinion of the W3C XSL Working group. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stephen Deach | Sr Computer Scientist 408-536-6521 (office) | Adobe Systems Inc. 408-537-4214 (fax) | Mail Stop W15-424 sdeach@adobe.com (no ads) | 345 Park Ave | San Jose, CA 95110-2704 | USA ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -
Received on Monday, 17 April 2000 10:25:05 UTC