suggestion for another XSLT element

To whom it may concern:

    I would like to suggest an additional element for the XSLT language.

    In short, I would like to see a way to call a name template that
exists in an imported stylesheet, even though a named template, by the
same name, exists in the current stylesheet.

    The type of syntax I am looking for is illustrated below.  This
syntax would allow additional levels of stylesheets to be added in the
future, with no change to each stylesheet (except the name of the
imported file).

    This functionality is already in the XSLT language for un-named
templates, with the <xsl:apply-imports...> element.  However, I do not
believe this element can be used with named templates.

    Assuming that this functionality does not exist in the language, to
whom can I make a formal request that it be in a future release ?

    Paul Levin

---- Illustration of inheritance for named templates ----

In an imported stylesheet for all HTML pages (AllPages.xsl):

        <xsl:template name="OutputHiddenInputTags">
            <!-- output the tags for all HTML pages -->

In a stylesheet for a certain class of HTML pages (ClassOfPages.xsl):

        <xsl:import href="AllPages.xsl"/>

        <xsl:template name="OutputHiddenInputTags">

            <!-- output those tags specific to this class of HTML pages

            <!-- call the template from the imported stylesheet -->
            <!-- output those tags required for all pages -->
            <xsl:call-template-imported name="OutputHiddenInputTags"/>


In the stylesheet for a particular HTML page

        <xsl:import href="ClassOfPages.xsl"/>

        <xsl:template name="OutputHiddenInputTags">

            <!-- output those tags specific to this HTML page -->

            <!-- call the template from the imported stylesheet -->
            <!-- output those tags required for pages of this class -->
            <xsl:call-template-imported name="OutputHiddenInputTags"/>


---- End Illustration of inheritance for named templates ----

Received on Friday, 10 December 1999 14:19:42 UTC