Re: Needs discussion with MS.

Microsoft is an active member of the XSL working group, the CSS working
group, and the Internationalization working group. The architecture,
formatting model, and specific formatting objects/properties of XSL are the
result of discussions in all of these W3C working groups and several joint
meetings between these working groups. Microsoft's position is well
understood and well represented. Their positions/opinions are considered
and have certainly influenced this design.

This design is not "too difficult" to implement. James Tauber's
implementation of much of it in under one month clearly demonstrates the
design is implementable.

One should also note that the new Netscape layout architecture chose a
formatting-object model that is similar to that of XSL's. 

I think we will find that XSL formatting is easier to implement than CSS-2
(as originally described) due to simplifications of interdependencies and
an international-capable underlying architecture. Thus, XSL may provide a
mechanism for providing fuller CSS-2 capabilities.

Note: Please submit future comments to so that they can
be archived and reviewed by W3C, do not mail them directly to me. Also,
please constrain your comments to issues that can be addressed in the
specification, a particular vendor's implementation quality or schedule is
not addressable by me or by this working group.


At 11:46 1999-06-23 GMT, you wrote:
>I have discussed this with Microsoft. I don't get proper answer, but it
seems that this proposal and their plannings are two different matters. And
just this working draft migh be only a piece of paper!
>Because MS was first wanting XSL, XSL standardard should be 
>made with co-operation to MS in order to avoid total chaos!
>This proposal is out of control MS and other browser factors. Using
proposals at this the realy is escaped fron them hands of standard
designing - and the the mission of XSL standardard is doomed to fail!
>I said also them, that they should have better CSS-support
>Using  Visual formatting model of CSS2 (section 9; 9.2.5 The 'display'
property and other) can exchange visual structure.
>Tapio Markula
> (Finnish)
> (English)
>try if it previous addresses seems to
>be too slow!

  Stephen Deach                            |  Sr Computer Scientist
  408-536-6521 (office)                    |  Adobe Systems Inc.
  408-537-4214 (fax)                       |  Mail Stop E15-420                         |  345 Park Ave
                                           |  San Jose, CA 95110-2704
                                           |  USA

Received on Wednesday, 23 June 1999 13:21:49 UTC