possible trait/property error in 3.3.3 of WD-xsl-19990421

The first paragraph of 3.3.3 of WD-xsl-19990421 reads:

There are two more properties, "end-indent" and "start-indent", for which
the computed value may be determined by the computed value of the absolute
margin properties. For these traits, the calculation of the value of the
trait when the corresponding absolute property is present depends on three
computed values: the computed value of the corresponding absolute property,
the computed value of the corresponding "padding" property, and the computed
value of the corresponding "border-width" property.

Both instances of the word "trait" in the above should be "property"
shouldn't they? I realise that start-indent and end-indent are traits but in
the context of 3.3.3, it is the *properties* start-indent and end-indent
that are being talked about, not the traits of the generated areas.


Received on Saturday, 24 April 1999 09:17:08 UTC