Declarative Amsterdam 2024 - Register now

Declarative Amsterdam 2024 will be happening at CWI, Amsterdam Science Park on Thursday/Friday November 7 and 8, 2024.

* On Thursday morning we start with tutorials on XForms, in-source testing and iXML. Make sure to bring your own device to participate optimally in the hands-on sessions.
* The symposium will take place on Thursday afternoon and continue on Friday.

The program offers a blend of renowned speakers alongside lesser-known experts. The presentations cover a wide range of topics, including various techniques, tools, applications, and implementations. As in previous editions, we have an engaging and informative lineup for our attendees, as you can see for yourself at  <>

The conference is a hybrid event, live at the Science Park in Amsterdam, and live-streamed.
Registration is open; early bird registration closes October 1st, so hurry along to  <> 

Best wishes,

The Declarative Amsterdam Conference Committee.


Received on Wednesday, 4 September 2024 09:30:03 UTC