AW: intergrating external tools vs makefiles

Thanks, Erik. I've contacted Achim off-list.


Von: Erik Siegel <>
Gesendet: Dienstag, 14. Mai 2024 12:35
An: Maier, Denis Christian (UB) <>;
Betreff: RE: intergrating external tools vs makefiles

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Hi Denis,

It sounds like the perfect use-case for XProc to me (but the devil is of course in the details).

You can call external tools from XProc (, but currently with the EE Morgana version only. It is however not that expensive, for more information contact Achim Berndzen (<>).

Erik Siegel

From:<> <<>>
Sent: Tuesday, 14 May 2024 10:22
Subject: intergrating external tools vs makefiles


As said in my earlier message, I'm currently learning xproc.

As a journal manager I've implemented a single source publishing workflow using pandoc (word->markdown ; markdown -> jats xml), xslt (polishing the xml; xml->html) , and context (xml->pdf). Everything currently held together by a rather simplistic makefile. Now, I'm evaluating better options, and I'm wondering if and how I could use xproc for that or at least intergrate it into my workflow. I've already decided that a xproc pipeline will probably be better than my monoithic xslt cleanup script (which is getting bigger and less maintainable).

But should it be possible to use xproc pipelines instead of a makefile? Can it easily call external tools? And would that be easier and more flexible than the makefile approach? I've also thought about using python scripts or maybe a go cli tool, but I'm wondering if xproc would be a better choice.


Received on Tuesday, 14 May 2024 12:15:38 UTC