RE: XProc and iXML

Thanks Norm!

Now almost entirely off-topic -- it's actually awesome how you and Saxonica too have seemingly managed to thread the needle on open-source availability. It's not an easy feat.

Regards, Wendell

-----Original Message-----
From: Norm Tovey-Walsh <> 
Sent: Monday, February 5, 2024 11:03 AM
To: Piez, Wendell A. (Fed) <>
Cc: Stein, A.J. Mr. (Fed) <>;
Subject: Re: XProc and iXML

"Piez, Wendell A. (Fed)" <> writes:
> If this has turned into a Saxon or XML Calabash question feel free to 
> send me off. Thanks for the hints so far!

I’m motivated to answer *both* kinds of questions, so…

> But apologies for being dense, while I see an "xslt/extensionElement"
> element for binding extension elements (instructions), there is 
> nothing evident for binding extension functions.

My path through the Saxonica docs for this feature was from the configuration file (which has an example) to the section on what can go in the resources element:!configuration/configuration-file/config-resources

> example - I've also looked at the 'global` element.) And in any case 
> those are PE/EE features and won't work under my 'unencumbered use of 
> standard features' requirement....

My extension functions all implement ExtensionFunctionDefinition so that they can be used from HE.

> Put that way I know this might be a bit of a tall order. Nevertheless 
> I'd be grateful for any more advice or guidance. (This does work fine 
> under Saxon-HE when I can call the initializer.) I'm a little hesitant 
> to ask the Saxon list for a how-do-you-avoid-buying-Saxon question 😊
> -- even if my users are arguably next year's Saxon customers....

You can imagine how hesitant I was years ago when Mike changed how extension functions worked and I had to ask about implementing ExtensionFunctionDefinition in order to get around the licensing problem :-)

                                        Be seeing you,

Norm Tovey-Walsh <>

> There is always some accident in the best of things, whether thoughts 
> or expressions or deeds. The memorable thought, the happy expression, 
> the admirable deed are only partly yours.--Henry David Thoreau

Received on Monday, 5 February 2024 17:07:35 UTC