Re: XProc and iXML

On 05/02/2024 15:29, Piez, Wendell A. (Fed) wrote:
> Dear XProc friends,
> In a repository I have started collecting tools, utilities and use
> patterns related to iXML (Invisible XML):
> This includes XProc materials, building on Norm’s fantastic work at
> and others.
> There is one thing I can’t get working yet, however, under XML
> Calabash using Saxon-HE, namely configure Saxon’s extension
> functionality to use Norm’s CoffeeSacks XSLT extension. (Saxon-HE is
> extensible only by means of an initialization called either
> programmatically or via an -init flag). Here is an XProc:
> Questions:
>  1. Leaving aside XML Calabash (Norm being pleasantly engaged
>     otherwise), is there anything I can do to make this work using
>     XProc 1.0? am I missing something?
>  2. Should I be doing this under XProc 3.0? Does Morgana (or any XProc
>     3.0 processor) permit me to configure Saxon-HE and distribute an
>     all-open source, unencumbered XProc runtime to users of pipelines
>     with these dependencies, including iXML?

I think you don't need to write Java code to have Saxon HE use extension
functions from a Java library, you can also use a Saxon configuration
file e.g.


So that is how I would hope you could do it with an XProc 1 or 3
processor using Saxon.

Received on Monday, 5 February 2024 14:37:58 UTC