Re: Porblems with pxf:copy xmlcalabash-1.5.7-120

On 17/04/2024 15:56, Benjamin W. Bohl wrote:
> Dear list:eners,
> I'm still learning XProc and wanted to copy some image files from a
> directory using pxf:copy in my pipeline running on xmlcalabash-1.5.7-120.
> Nevertheless, I cannot make it work and always get a strange
> SaxonAPIError:
> com.xmlcalabash.core.XProcException: XProc error err:XD0045
> […]
> Caused by: net..sf.saxon.s9api.SaxonApiException: The string
> "file:/Volumes/VCS/SVN/bazga-ed..." cannot be cast to a boolean
> The string that throws the error is my target option for pxf:copy.

The documentation
indeed declares the type of target as boolean

|anyURI| -->|
|boolean| -->|
|boolean| -->|

Hopefully Norm or someone else can explain you how to correctly use the

Received on Thursday, 18 April 2024 12:48:43 UTC