Passing context in XProc 1.0

XProc Friends,

In an XProc 1.0 pipeline, I have this:

<p:with-param name="xspec-home" select="resolve-uri('../xspec/',base-uri(.))"/>

But this is not what I want. Apparently base-uri(.) is evaluated relative to the source document being processed, or that's what I am guessing. This works sometimes but only by happenstance.

I actually want to have the relative path here resolved with respect to the XProc file (pipeline definition) or its directory. And relative to this one, not to another pipeline that happens to import this one.

Any tips? Is this easily done under XProc 1.0? Should I be thinking differently?

Thanks for your assistance. I know it might be pretty basic -

Regards, Wendell

Received on Friday, 8 December 2023 22:30:32 UTC